Emotional Support and Wellbeing for families

Here at Dawn Until Dusk we like to offer as much help and support to our families as possible. In these difficult times we are now facing please find some resources below that can help to support the emotional wellbeing for children and parents. Lockdown has proven to be hard on all of us and can bring to light some emotional situations that may lead to people experiencing challenges such as anxiety and low self-esteem. We have also found some information  to that may help with recognising anxiety, big feelings stories for young children and coping strategies.

Below are some documents and activities you may find useful to do on your own or with your children to help relieve any worries or stress.

Big feelings come and go – a story for children to discuss feelings in a relatable way

Breathing exercises for adults

Breathing exercises for children

Strengths and qualities activity

Personal affirmations activity

What is anxiety?

Challenge negative thoughts activity